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Registriert seit: 2. Nov 2002
Ort: Oldenburg (Oldenburg)
39 Beiträge
Delphi 2009 Professional

Re: TSysDevEnum undeklarierter Bezeichner

  Alt 3. Jun 2009, 19:20
in der Datei steht folgender Bereich für den Typ TSysDevEnum drin

// *****************************************************************************
// TSysDevEnum
// *****************************************************************************
  PFilCatNode = ^TFilCatNode;
  TFilCatNode = record
    FriendlyName : Shortstring;

  { Usefull class to enumerate availables filters.
    See "Filter Enumerator" sample. }

  TSysDevEnum = class
    FCategories : TList;
    FFilters : TList;
    ACategory : PFilCatNode;
    procedure GetCat(catlist: TList; CatGUID: TGUID);
    function GetCountCategories: integer;
    function GetCountFilters: integer;
    function GetCategory(item: integer): TFilCatNode;
    function GetFilter(item: integer): TFilCatNode;
    { Select the main category by GUID. For example CLSID_VideoCompressorCategory
      to enumerate Video Compressors. }

    procedure SelectGUIDCategory(GUID: TGUID);
    { Select the main category by Index. }
    procedure SelectIndexCategory(index: integer);
    { Call CountCategories to retrieve categories count.}
    property CountCategories: integer read GetCountCategories;
    { Call CountFilters to retrieve the number of Filte within a Category. }
    property CountFilters: integer read GetCountFilters;
    { Call Categories to read Category Name and GUID. }
    property Categories[item: integer]: TFilCatNode read GetCategory;
    { Call Filters to read Filter Name and GUID. }
    property Filters[item: integer]: TFilCatNode read GetFilter;
    { Find filter index by FriendlyName; -1, if not found }
    function FilterIndexOfFriendlyName(const FriendlyName: string): Integer;
    { Call GetBaseFilter to retrieve the IBaseFilter interface corresponding to index. }
    function GetBaseFilter(index: integer): IBaseFilter; overload;
    { Call GetBaseFilter to retrieve the IBaseFilter interface corresponding to GUID. }
    function GetBaseFilter(GUID: TGUID): IBaseFilter; overload;
    { Call GetMoniker to retrieve the IMoniker interface corresponding to index.
      This interface can be used to store a filter with the @link(TBaseFiter) class. }

    function GetMoniker(index: integer): IMoniker;
    { constructor }
    constructor Create; overload;
    { constructor. Create the class and initialize the main category with the GUID. }
    constructor Create(guid: TGUID); overload;
    { destructor }
    destructor Destroy; override;

Die Methoden selbst lasse ich hier mal raus.


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