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Mobile Google Maps alternative?

Ein Thema von direktor · begonnen am 6. Feb 2016 · letzter Beitrag vom 8. Feb 2016
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Registriert seit: 5. Apr 2014
22 Beiträge

Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 6. Feb 2016, 04:53

Since in countries like China, Google is blocked I was wondering if there is a working example of using Bing Maps, Yahoo Maps or any other maps except Google Maps and Baidu Maps on mobile? Please help.

Regards, Bogomil
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Benutzerbild von Mavarik

Registriert seit: 9. Feb 2006
Ort: Stolberg (Rhld)
4.144 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 6. Feb 2016, 11:22
Perhapes OpenStreetMap?
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Benutzerbild von geskill

Registriert seit: 17. Feb 2007
Ort: NRW
420 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

AW: Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 6. Feb 2016, 12:32
if you have DevExpress sources you might get a look at their MapControl implementation. This may help you converting to FMX.
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Benutzerbild von Mavarik

Registriert seit: 9. Feb 2006
Ort: Stolberg (Rhld)
4.144 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 6. Feb 2016, 12:34
Or you take the Ready-2-use version from TMS
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Registriert seit: 5. Apr 2014
22 Beiträge

AW: Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 8. Feb 2016, 03:42
Thank you. Mavarik, any example of OpenStreetMap? I've seen many examples that don't work. TMS is not free I think?

Geskill what's behind FMX? I checked some example of FMX but I must be sure I'll not be blocked. In case some link to anything on Google.
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AW: Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 8. Feb 2016, 10:18
Perhapes OpenStreetMap?

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Registriert seit: 5. Apr 2014
22 Beiträge

AW: Mobile Google Maps alternative?

  Alt 8. Feb 2016, 10:57
Ah stupid, I thought TMS is that famous component. Beginner. Ok this looks promising. I'll take a look into it.
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